Obama's stirring India speeches
President Obama, Michelle, address to Parliament, India visit
  • 2:51
  • November 08, 2010
You don't simply visit India, you experience India: Obama

Visiting American President Barack Obama shared his experience on visiting India at the State Dinner.

November 08, 2010   36:22
It began with "Dhanyawaad India" and ended with "Jai Hind". Obama's address in Parliament was cheered both inside and outside the House. Experience why.
November 07, 2010   39:50
At St Xavier's College in Mumbai, Obama spent his time answering students who took their cue from Michelle Obama - she urged them to ask her husband very tough questions.
November 08, 2010   6:31
Watch Obama's answer to NDTV's question about whether America is truly looking to control outsourcing to India.
November 07, 2010   20:34
The President and the First Lady wowed children in Mumbai when they attempted some traditional fisherfolk dance steps.
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